Turning Dice

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While thinking of fun ways to start this Blog I decided to focus upon Communicating with customers, especially the self-named "Dicegoblins".

Some of my personal goals is to try and make people happy, so working on my communication skills while trying to show off some of the fun ideas with having Turning dice in the center of the conversation seems fun. The first step in making dice involves knowing what you want. While there are many many so many elements in making a die the real choice first is what shapes do you want your dice to make followed closely by fonts.

my Green Fuz mold is failing so I turned it over to a friend for designing studies prior to making the North American Prayer Wheels (N.A.P.W. for short)

Which means I'm "stuck" with the comfortaa font based dice. Oh no how terrible! Since I was going to use the easy legible font most likely anyways (not quite visually impaired but having always worn glasses, well, I dearly sympathize with making things easy on the eyes).

Next step is picking colors.